Customer Testimonials

"The principals at Satre Group have a long history of collaboration with PIVOT. They were recently part of a multidisciplinary team in a 52-acre sustainable site development. Their care and leadership helped restore 14 acres of wetlands, design natural storm water runoff from 17 acres of pavement, reduce water demand for irrigation, and help the project achieve LEED Gold."

Eric Gunderson

Founding Partner (ret.)
PIVOT Architecture

"Purchasing our property to build a Hospice House was the easy part. I cannot imagine going through all the permitting process without the expertise of Satre Group. The professional, well thought out way they handled it, without a doubt, made our experience more enjoyable. This allowed us to do what we do best, take care of people."

Margie Brooks

Executive Director / Foundation
Community Health Solutions

"Rick and staff have been superb in their service to me and my efforts through the planning process labyrinth. The trust and respect Satre Group has with the city staff and the city’s decision makers, is invaluable. I cannot think of a better company to be on my team in the business of development. Rick has exceeded my expectations for guidance and service."

Steve Graves

Oregon West Management LLC